Applying Ram Dass’s Wisdom to Swimming: The Power of “Here and Now”

In a world that is increasingly fast-paced and full of distractions, finding moments of presence can be challenging, both in and out of the water. However, Ram Dass’s philosophy of living in the “Here and Now” offers valuable insights for swimmers and coaches aiming to enhance their performance and fully enjoy their experience in the water.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a medical device that, through electrical impulses, creates transcutaneous nerve stimulation whose effects are analgesic, thanks to the modulation/inhibition of pain perception and the release of neuropeptides, such as endorphins, which counteract feelings of fatigue and pain and enhance mood and physical and mental well-being. TENS is therefore used […]

César Cielo: The Inner Strength Behind the Swimming Legend

César Cielo, one of the greatest swimmers of all time, has not only won Olympic and World Championship medals, but has also left an emotional and psychological mark on the world of swimming. His story is an example of perseverance, sacrifice, and a winning mindset—qualities that all swimmers and athletes can learn from. In this article, we explore the transformative power of swimming and the inspiring story of César Cielo.

Exploring Physical and Mental Balance: The ToSwim Experience in CostaRica

From the 21st to the 28th of April, ToSwim invites you to embark on a unique journey that
combines the transformative power of water, the connection with nature, and personal
growth. The ToSwim experience in Costa Rica is not just an event—it’s an invitation to
rediscover yourself, find harmony, and embrace an environment designed to rejuvenate both
body and mind.

“Food and Sleep: Why They Shouldn’t Be Your Reward After a Hard Day’s Work

In In modern work culture, we often find ourselves using food and sleep as “rewards” after atiring day. Phrases like “I deserve this after all the stress” to justify a lavish meal or “I workhard, so it doesn’t matter if I sleep less” have become the norm. However, this mentality canbe counterproductive, as both—nutrition and […]

The Benefits of Synchronized Swimming for Boys and Girls

Synchronized swimming, also known as artistic swimming, combines swimming technique with the elegance of dance and team coordination. Although it may seem like a sport reserved for high-performance athletes, more and more boys and girls are practicing this activity from an early age, and the benefits go far beyond the physical. Here we explore how synchronized swimming contributes to the integral development of the youngest.

How to Prepare for Your First OpenWater Swimming Experience

Diving into open water swimming can be an exciting adventure, but it requires specific
preparation. Unlike pool swimming, conditions are more unpredictable, and technique,
endurance, and confidence are key to fully enjoying the experience. In this blog, we’ll guide you through essential tips, training, and recommendations, including advice from top
professional swimmers, to help make your first open water swim a success.

Swimming in Childhood: A Key to Future Physical and Mental Well-Being

Practicing sports from an early age offers invaluable benefits, not only for physical
development but also for children’s mental health. Among all sports, swimming stands out as a comprehensive activity that combines intense physical exercise with a notable improvement in mental well-being. It is ideal for the holistic development of young people, as it engages nearly all muscle groups while simultaneously enhancing respiratory and cardiovascular capacity.

The Importance of Parental Support in Swimming Practice: Building Bonds and Instilling Values from an Early Age

Swimming is a well-rounded sport that benefits both the physical and emotional development
of those who practice it. However, when it comes to young children, the role of parents
becomes even more fundamental. The support they provide not only influences athletic
progress but also strengthens family relationships and helps instill essential values such as hard work, discipline, and sacrifice from an early age.
